Padana Tubi for Environment, Health and Safety
Protection of the environment and natural resources

With regard to environmental protection, Padana Tubi operates bearing in mind the need to protect the environment, striving to reduce its impacts and make sustainable use of natural resources. It is aware that today the steel industry plays an important role in reducing carbon emissions and fighting climate change.
During 2022 , the company continued to report and monitor its greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs); it obtained certification of the 2021 study in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018, set up to identify possible strategies and implement action to reduce its GHG emissions. At the time of writing, the second-year certification process has just been completed. At strategic and operational level, Padana Tubi’s commitment is three-fold:

Waste management
In 2022 Padana Tubi has generated Waste for 2% tonnes of hazardous waste and 98% of non-hazardous waste.
Overall, Padana Tubi sent 99% of the waste produced in 2022 for recovery (98% in 2021). Specifically, 69% of hazardous waste was sent for recovery (preparation for re-use and recycling), compared to 57% in 2021, and 31% was sent for disposal (51% in 2021). Almost all nonhazardous waste was sent for recovery while only 1% was sent for disposal.

Energy management and emissions
GRI 302-1 | GRI 302-3 | GRI 305-1 | GRI 305-2 | GRI 305-3
To respect and protect the environment, Padana Tubi uses only green electricity entirely from renewable energy sources covered by Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates purchased by the company.
During the period under review, total energy consumed remained virtually unchanged: Padana Tubi consumed energy (electricity, natural gas and diesel) totalling 345,478 GJ in 2022 and 348,326 GJ in 2021.
Looking at consumption in relation to carriers, in 2022 Padana Tubi self-produced energy from renewable sources for 4,449 GJ (2,882 GJ in 2021), of Furthermore, during 2022 it increased self-produced energy by 54% thanks to the upgrade of its photovoltaic system, which now has an installed capacity of 2,779 kWp .
Atmospheric emissions
Total GHG emissions from Padana Tubi’s operations saw a reduction of approximately 24% from 2021 to 2022

Occupational health and safety: a top priority
Padana Tubi has voluntarily chosen to implement and certify a management system in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 requirements, in order to promote and guarantee occupational health and safety in all the sites where its employees work.
Padana Tubi promotes the safety culture in the workplace through the organisation of regular general and specific training and awareness-raising activities, conducted in compliance with local and sector laws and regulations.

More then 6,000 hours of training were provided in 2022, of which 99% of that for compulsory and noncompulsory training on workplace health and safety, and 1% mainly on quality management and obtaining product certifications.